Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 3

Another day that started with a 2 mile beach walk. There is just something so calming about the ocean. I am looking for dolphins. We saw some last year while visiting St. Simons island.

We have seen an alligator it was sunning on the golf course outside the lodges dining room window! His friends are turtles. They aren't scared of him/her and he/she doesn't eat them!

This morning after breakfast and my thermal walk, I attended a seminar on Stress Eating since I do that so well. Since the class was full there was more than just me that emotionally eats. Gotta quit that!!

Then I did a class call treading. Yes that is treadmill work. You climb two mountains and run two races. Doesn't that sound like fun? So your first mountain is slowing getting your incline up to 15 and then back down. And then you run a race with 2 minutes slow and 1 minute race (repeat, repeat, repeat). Then we climb the next mountain same as before and then slowly come down. And then run our finally race. Yes that kicked my butt too.

Next I needed to chill down so I went to nautical noodle which was a good class that I can incorporate at home as well.

We went to lunch after that and then got to see the showing of heavy with Mark Evans. It was good and he truly is an inspiration. He has finished two half mile marathons Cindy and he weighs over 300 pounds so yes I am quite impressed! And he brought both of his medals so he is proud of them too.

This afternoon I took a break for an hour and just read email and relaxed. Went back to a session on goal planning from 4:00-5:30. Dinner, thermal walk, and blogging. Busy days.

Keep doing a great job in my absence. I really appreciate all of you!!!

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